Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Wonderful! Cold natural treatment modalities

As the resistance to poor children, are vulnerable to cold. After the cold people usually think of is to take medicine, but worried that there will be side effects of eating more. Any way to replace the cold medicine, cure children's colds? See below:

Do not be intimidated by cold symptoms

Expert explained: In fact, many symptoms of a cold itself against cold viruses and bacteria in: such as fever, no one likes a fever, but the thermometer rose high in the number of shows that your body is trying to use higher than normal temperatures to kill the invading virus and bacteria. In addition, higher temperature also allows the immune system can operate more efficiently. Therefore, if only one or two days of burning hair, it does not matter, in fact, you may soon enough. Cough and stuffy nose, too. Make respiratory pathogens cough with phlegm discharge in vitro, which does not infect the lungs, and stuffy nose and throat to your vessels to narrow, but also reduces the possibility of bacteria enter the body along.

So far, no one drug to "cure" a cold. They can only alleviate the symptoms - which, not drugs can do. Parents may wish to have the following natural treatments to try.

Primary recommendation: drink plenty of water

Pediatrician Johan Stan's answer is simple: "love, drink plenty of water, that is my recommendation." Pediatric hospital pharmacists in New York Catherine Tom Ra temperature recommended in the use of cold medicine before the parents They should be more use of natural therapies, such as drink plenty of water, with salt water to soften the child's nasal discharge, nasal blockage cleared.

Other natural therapies:

◆ often blow their noses, do not smoke them back. But do not be too strong, so as not to damage the tympanic membrane.

◆ thermohaline both ease nasal congestion nasal wash, nasal cavity can be washed off the germs.

◆ warmth, rest.

◆ salt water gargle, 4 times a day.

◆ drinking hot liquid, chicken broth, honey, lemonade and tea are good choices.

◆ wash a sauna.

◆ nose rubbing points ointment to prevent skin irritation caused by frequent blowing his nose.

◆ sinus cold compress or hot compress.

◆ more cushion pillows - which can significantly relieve nasal congestion caused by dyspnea.

◆ if not necessary, do not fly - not only afraid of infected people. Take-off and landing of the air pressure change will give you an already overburdened additional pressure on the respiratory tract, in addition, will increase the risk of tympanic membrane rupture.

◆ Eat more beneficial anti-inflammatory foods such as bananas, green peppers, carrots, onion, rice, tea.

In fact, some traditional approaches can treat a cold: cold salt packets self-massage

Preferably in the cold period (if there stuffy nose, runny nose, body ache symptoms) to use. Use, can be salt, ginger, scallion stalk, the leaves mixed with the same time, infuses into the pot to 80 degrees Celsius, and quickly put them in a cloth bag, tie the bag, hot salt body massage package lower back, chest and abdomen and lower limbs.

Salt package with heated massage the body, can play the body sweating, expel toxins, stimulate the body resistance. Massage, can be salt packets from the top down, or from middle to both sides of the back massage, then massage the same way chest. Then, from which they dump massage anterior lower limbs, posterior, lateral to the foot; from below the same massage on the inside of both lower extremities; further from the chest to hands, hands between the bridge until you come massage of the upper limbs of the same within the lateral side and front to hold salt packets were not sweaty palms slightly better.

Massage, salt packets can be used repeatedly, each time before going to a lot of noise, massage 1 or 2 times a day, every 15 to 30 minutes, 3 to 7 days of each treatment. But if the cold was no better, or worse, or to timely medical treatment.

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